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The Apostle Paul

Before the world was created He chose us, that we should become merged in Christ, that we should be holy and without blemish. ~Eph. 1:4


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about us

MERGE: to combine into one, to unite.

Mergers everywhere are turning back to God with their whole hearts and moving forward together. (1 Kings 18:37)

They work to restore everything to its original design, and to prepare a people who are fully equipped for Him. They build up the wider body of Christ. They keep future generations in mind. They let the whole world know what He has done; tell everyone how wonderful He really is. They champion truth, humility, and justice. What they do for one they do for everyone. A kingdom centric community, Merger's gather 'round a Father and not a flavor, around the One who is Central to us all. 

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Apostolic Christian Church

Preparing the way. (Luke 1:17)


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