He planned for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages to unify all things and head them up and consummate them in Christ, both things in heaven and things on the earth. ~Eph. 1:10 AMPC
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MERGE: to combine into one, to unite.
Mergers everywhere are turning back to God and moving forward together. They "prepare the way", and the people. They see the various streams becoming one River and the Church coming back under the Headship of Christ alone and not under the banner of any man, woman, church, or institution. Whether the local or the global community, Mergers love people and their communities. A DFW based HUB, The Merge "builds up the builders” while undergirding them with apostolic support and prophetic insight, and by providing them with the resources and training they need. Mergers everywhere are DREAMING BIG and REACHING FOR THE STARS together - JOIN US?
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